Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Böhmermann - Affair

Another day, another scandal in the Federal Republic in Germany. This time a
talking head named Jan Böhmermann performed some sort of poem adressed
to Turkish Pres. Erdogan in public television, which caused some turmoil.

So i listened to that opus and must admit, it is such a load of disgusting and in-
sulting rubbish, not even Charlie Hebdo would publish it, but still funny enough
for some goofballs in the audience to have a good laugh ... oh dear, oh dear.
Erdogan is not someone, who takes things like that lightly and while i do not
have a single fiber of sympathy for that man, i applaud him for filing a law suit
against Böhmermann - after all somebody needs to teach Big Mouth manners.

Chancellora Merkel meanwhile manouvered herself in a difficult situation after
criticizing Böhmermann. For some,she is pussyfooting too much towards Er-
dogan, while if she would criticize Erdogan for being too whiny, she could
jeopardize their shady deals. So only pointing to the justice had been smarter,
though Merkel is not known for making smart moves and usually leaves that to
her countless advisors to figure out.

What really concerns me most, is the status of the German people. I cannot
imagine a Peruvian would say something like that on TV. When i would ask
a Vietnamese about his opinion of riding a sled naked or a Bhutanese about
his stance to the CSD-parade, how would they react ? Of course they had
no idea, what i am talking about and in their belief mentally sane people
would never do, what is quite normal in the completely gaga and oh so tolerant
Western community of values, where many folks back Böhmermann and defend
his nonsense as freedom of speech (or are we looking at a deliberate provo-
cation to propel the clash of civilizations ?).

To me Chancellora Merkel and Jan Böhmermann are the appropiate faces for
the demise of a degrading society facing genocide.

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