Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Free Ursula !!!

Yesterday Ursula Haverbeck was taken into custody by the police Gestapo- style.
Ms. Haverbeck has made her own research over what happened in Auschwitz and
came to a different conclusion to what we are told about, thus colliding with § 130
penal code, hate speech. It seems that paragraph will only be applied, when the inter-
ests of a certain tribe is touched. If for instance public television broadcasts mean
propaganda towards Russia, Iran or Venezuela no one of our law enforcer gives a
bloody whit. I could run with a bullhorn through the streets demanding the death
of the German people and would probably receive a leftist award instead of jail time.

Now Ms. Haverbeck is a 89-year old lady yet tough as nails. She will stand her
ground against a jurisdiction void of honour and decency, knuckled down by
jewish organisations as the Auschwitz Committee. You probably heard the old
adage "The truth can stand alone, the lie needs government support ..." and the
other one " If you want to know, who rules you, just ask whom you may not crit-
izice .." fits also perfectly in this context.

For those who want to support her on site, you could travel to the German town of
Bielefeld May 10th. More information here
I wish her the best of luck getting through this ordeal.


Der Volkslehrer                 

Another victim for speaking out ...

David Irving                     

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